
Showing posts from May, 2018

Adversity: The Greatest Opportunity.

Sometimes life just doesn't go your way. Sometimes plans just fall apart, no matter how hard you try to keep them together. And that sucks, it really does. I feel that too many of our generation have been sold this idea that things will work out, that job you want will fall in your lap, you will have that glamour relationship, the flashy car and the nice house in the good street. Now, these are just examples,heck it could be that your dreams are a small cottage in the woods, pet ducks and pigs meandering in your front yard and not a person in sight. Whatever the innermost dreams you have are, I am sure that failing to attain these goals does not sit well with you nor feature heavily in the playing out of them in your mind. And, that's good, it really is. BUT It was Henry Ford who said " Success is 99% failure"! So, I'm thinking perhaps we should sit with our failures MORE right ? Spoiler Alert, you ALREADY know how to do this !!! I h


Do you run a website ? Do you have a small business ? Do you struggle to find the time or creativity to whip up outstanding content to keep your customers coming back for more ?? Do you feel you can't afford hiring a content creator ? Do you think you would love to hire a content creator but don't know where to start looking ? LockyJ Writes IS your solution. From creating cracker creative content to making metaphors mix melodically, I will work with each and every customer to provide a tailor made solution, whatever your word whims may be !! Content MATTERS! Content creates customers. Customers create business. It's that SIMPLE. You don't get just any ol' Tom, Dick or Harry to build your dream house right ? You employ the best craftsmen to turn your dreams into reality. IT'S A NO BRAINER. The digital landscape is NO DIFFERENT !! FIRST IMPRESSIONS COUNT. You often only get ONE SHOT to turn a casual browser into a captur

The Accountability Perspective

Some days you just get fed up, sick of what is happening in your life and all the things that are not going quite to plan. You get disheartened. Disappointed. Frustrated. Angry at your circumstances, your close family and friends, but mostly at yourself. Then you start to BLAME . You blame everyone else for what has happened, the weather, the boss's favoritism, anything you can think of at the time. You blame anything and everything, except concentrate on the ONE person who you should focus on. YOU !! Now notice I said FOCUS,  not blame, because blame will NEVER get you the results you want. Think about it for a moment, when you blame anyone or anything what result do you get ? It is always a NEGATIVE result. You blame the other person for getting "that job", "that park", you blame the "rich" for you not getting anywhere. What happens ? Sure, you may feel a momentary sense of vindication and validation, fleeting as

Movie Of The Human Soul

Sometimes, you have to just marvel at the wonder of life. Today, I grabbed a cup of coffee and watched the clouds roll by my verandah like pedestrians on a busy street. It caused me to contemplate how we all see things differently and how each one of us has our own story to create just by living. Each one of us has our own movie that we are making and that movie is ONLY to be watched by you. YOU decide the plot,the characters and the set location . The movie is your LIFE. SO, With inspiration armed and coffee charged, the words began to flow. I hope these words inspire you all to create the greatest block buster that YOU could ever imagine, after all, the movie you are making is ONLY for YOU . :) LockyJ Movie Of The Human Soul Beat, beat. Blink, blink. Ears to sip upon the sounds of life, the souls audio straw. Plugging in the heart, hearing moments tunes. Beat, beat. Ears to sip upon the sounds of life, music on the canvas pour.