Movie Of The Human Soul

Sometimes, you have to just marvel at the wonder of life.

Today, I grabbed a cup of coffee and watched the clouds roll by my verandah like pedestrians on a busy street.

It caused me to contemplate how we all see things differently and how each one of us has our own story to create just by living.

Each one of us has our own movie that we are making and that movie is ONLY to be watched by you.

YOU decide the plot,the characters and the set location .

The movie is your LIFE.


With inspiration armed and coffee charged, the words began to flow.

I hope these words inspire you all to create the greatest block buster that YOU could ever imagine, after all, the movie you are making is ONLY for YOU.



Movie Of The Human Soul

Beat, beat.

Blink, blink.

Ears to sip upon the sounds of life, the souls audio straw.

Plugging in the heart, hearing moments tunes.

Beat, beat.

Ears to sip upon the sounds of life, music on the canvas pour.

Sound to colours painted, images to the soul croon.

Beat, Beat.

Brushstrokes colour, canvas of the soul.

Ears to sip upon the sounds of life, images sound lined.

Blink, Blink.

Eyelashes flutter, the tape of life does roll.


Blink, blink.

Ears twitch, eyes flash. All entwined.

The movie of the human soul.



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