Adversity: The Greatest Opportunity.

Sometimes life just doesn't go your way.

Sometimes plans just fall apart, no matter how hard you try to keep them together.

And that sucks, it really does.

I feel that too many of our generation have been sold this idea that things will work out, that job you want will fall in your lap, you will have that glamour relationship, the flashy car and the nice house in the good street.

Now, these are just examples,heck it could be that your dreams are a small cottage in the woods, pet ducks and pigs meandering in your front yard and not a person in sight.

Whatever the innermost dreams you have are, I am sure that failing to attain these goals does not sit well with you nor feature heavily in the playing out of them in your mind.

And, that's good, it really is.


It was Henry Ford who said " Success is 99% failure"!

So, I'm thinking perhaps we should sit with our failures MORE right ?

Spoiler Alert, you ALREADY know how to do this !!!

I hear you saying " hang on you, didn't you JUST say don't think about failure ?"

I did, I'm glad you are paying attention.

What I am asking is that you recognize and prepare for the inevitability that you will not ALWAYS attain what you want, that your goals will not ALWAYS come to fruition and be READY so that you can LEARN through you failures.

And that is also a GOOD thing !

I hear you thinking again " how is that a good thing?"

Think back to a time in your life when you learn the most about yourself, a time that is etched in your memory because of the lasting impression it had on you.

I am certain that you will remember a negative experience, a time when the proverbial hit the fan !

Did you know that the brain is programmed, that's right, programmed to remember negative experiences in more detail and longer than positive experiences.

Why is that you say ?

This occurs as a survival mechanism, our brains are wired to remember discomfort, danger, adversity and remember that situation so that we won't face it again.

Simple survival 101.

We are trained to recognize and remember the lessons that come from adversity.

Think back to the negative time you were just asked to remember, what do you remember about it ?

Chances are again you remember the LESSON you got from it.

 Sure there will be pain and you will remember details but more importantly I bet you sit there going " because of that I now KNOW this or that ".

It might be a relationship, a job, an injury or a financial misadventure. Whatever the circumstance I am sure you see that your brain has easily recorded the LESSON from that.

So USE this inbuilt setting to help you grow, in your personal life and in your business arena.

How ?

In failure there is success, it might be harder to find but it is MORE VALUABLE than the success found in the easy wins.

This is because a failure helps you identify what is holding you BACK, what areas you need to CHANGE and what YOU can do differently.

In failure there is a great deal MORE learning than we give it credit for.

If you generate enough bad ideas, a few good ones are BOUND to show up and if you don't LEARN from the less than perfect plans, you will not ever reach that goal you have had in mind.

Turn adversity into opportunity TODAY, tell me about all the times your bad idea's turned into the seeds of good idea's.




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