
Showing posts from June, 2018

PART 1 of Mindset Matters: Are You Building A Prison Or A Palace?

(Mindset Matters is a series relating to mindset, challenging you to identify blockages or negative thinking patterns and, hopefully, it will be helpful in breaking those barriers to your thinking that may be limiting you in your everyday lives. LockyJ :) PART 1  Mindset Matters: Are You Building A Prison Or A Palace? Having recently bought a house I have been "investing" in learning how to develop property, seeing as this is my first house and it certainly fits the "renovators dream" sales pitch! Video's, blogs, books, and podcast that deal with home improvement, property development and the like I have been trying to devour, in order that I can make the most informed decisions for improvements I make. So here I was the other day, I was listening to a podcast by a successful property developer, the podcast was all about how they went from nothing to the wildly successful billionaire they are today. The interviewer was doing a great job, getti

Rain Drop Reality

Last week it was raining, that slow steady drizzle that we all associate winter days with. The kind of day that has a crisp snap to the air, as that of a scolding parent should you dare head outside without a coat. The clouds laboured their way across the skies, heavy and ominous, threatening at any moment to spill forth their cargo as in protest. And the rain ? The rain fell softly, almost lazily, from the sky above. Raindrops, like casual shoppers at a sunday market, drifted here and there on a whim. I was stopped at the traffic lights in my car when an errant rain drop, more enthusiastic than the others, snapped me out of my reverie with a "plop" right in front of my face. I had my mind on work, family and all the stresses of the day to day grind, my mind existing in another plane of creation far from the reality that I was actually experiencing. So disconnected had I become to the natural world that I watched in awe as the rain drop meandered down my windo