
Showing posts from April, 2018

The Death Of Adventure Part 2 : Adventure Awakened

Over 10 years ago I took  flight to Costa Rica, a snap decision made in under a week from booking to flying out. Just me, a back pack, a lonely planet guide book and a burning desire to travel. I had barely a word of Spanish under my belt, enough money for a few months if I was frugal & a rough idea that I wanted to back pack from Mexico to the bottom of South America. The palpable sense of adventure & excitement was ENORMOUS. But so too was FEAR. When I stood at the departure gate in a small rural airport & looked out at the single engine plane that would take me to the international airport , I really stared down the fear that was screaming at me to stop this madness. Was I CRAZY ?!! My friends and family all said I was, so I must be right ?? Who travels to the other side of the world, no plans, no insurance, no financial back up and no way of knowing if I would be able to call home for help if it all went pear shaped ? Friends and family were cryi

The Death of Adventure : Part 1

Adventure. It is an evocative word that conjures many great images and pleasant feelings within each and every person.  We all have a wistful desire to be that person who boldly walks of into the sunset without care of consequence and firmly follows the path of the wanderlust.  Whether your first thought is that of the sunny summer afternoon, top down sports car flying down a long highway,a ticket booked to far away lands , a poolside margarita on  a tropical island or the joy of biting into an unknown fruit from a dusty market place stall.   One thing is clear, excitement dwells wherever adventure resides. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why ? Why are we so intrigued with adventure , with the unknown , with the mists of change ? It makes no sense to me, when you place it in the context of society and yet , I too, am a slave to it's allure. It makes no sense that it seems to me that we spend an equal amount of time seeking out normality and structure withi

Monday Melancholy

Mondays... URGHHHH !!! We all know the feeling, Sunday afternoon rolls around & suddenly you have a dark shadow hanging over your happiness. You get despondent, as though an invisible force is sucking the energy right out of you and you have no ability to stop it. BUT. Is that really the case ?? Just as you know the feeling I am describing, you also a most likely well aware of what happens when you do something for you, something that resonates deep within your core. For each of us it is quite different, for some it is a good book, for some it is fishing, for others a quiet walk & then there are those that love the excitement of an adventure such as rock climbing or bungee jumping. It does not matter what it is, we know the feeling when we set aside the time to do what we REALLY want to do. It is almost like a drug, we are overcome with happiness & joy, we wake refreshed & energetic no matter what time we need to get up, even if it is some ungodly h

The 2am Lover of Words.

What is the written word ? Are you the 2am lover of the written word ? Have you ever wondered that ? Have you ever really sat and wondered what the world would be like if the written language in all its forms did not exist ? Humour me perchance.  Stop and just process what the world would look like now. Is your mind blown yet ? The world would be so very different, almost unimaginably so I believe. Look around , all the inventions featured the use of the word whether spoken or written in order to facilitate their creation.  What would the Cradle of Civilization look like had someone not scrawled symbols in the dirt or on the skins of animals ? Would the Pyramids be built ? Would Rome have reached is zenith without skilled orators & philosophers jotting down their abstract thoughts to shine forth as a beacon of hope ? What shape would any of the modern treaties taken, were it not for written word to be the vehicle that carried forth the blossoming nation'