Monday Melancholy



We all know the feeling, Sunday afternoon rolls around & suddenly you have a dark shadow hanging over your happiness.

You get despondent, as though an invisible force is sucking the energy right out of you and you have no ability to stop it.


Is that really the case ??

Just as you know the feeling I am describing, you also a most likely well aware of what happens when you do something for you, something that resonates deep within your core.

For each of us it is quite different, for some it is a good book, for some it is fishing, for others a quiet walk & then there are those that love the excitement of an adventure such as rock climbing or bungee jumping.

It does not matter what it is, we know the feeling when we set aside the time to do what we REALLY want to do.

It is almost like a drug, we are overcome with happiness & joy, we wake refreshed & energetic no matter what time we need to get up, even if it is some ungodly hour in the morning & it has been a long work week.

And no matter what obstacles or negatives that occur during the day, they are not even a blip on the day. We sail through the biggest of storms and have the most AMAZING time.

So , how come we can have that feeling but struggle so much with Monday ??

It is because the despondency that we feel is from deep within our soul, it is a message that says "What are you doing with this gift called life "?!!


We feel so bad because we KNOW we are not chasing our dreams.

We KNOW we have succumbed to the mind numbing monotony of the system, we KNOW we are selling ourselves short.

SO, as Monday rolls around, if you feel this way you really need to ask yourself : " What AM i doing with my Life "?

You are sacrificing time that you cannot get back for money that is replenishable.

When you look at it like that, you can see it is IMPERATIVE that you CHASE your dreams, what could be more important !!!

Chase your dreams today my friends , they are closer than you believe !!!




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