
Showing posts from January, 2019

Create Something Today- Even If It Sucks!

How hard is it to put ourselves out there and continually move forward as entrepreneurs and creators?!  In this world of cold faced businesses, deadlines and unyielding educational frameworks, we do not seem to fit and that impacts our self-esteem massively. These are just a couple of the thoughts I had as I worked on an article for a customer, thoughts which have given birth to this blog post. I realized that the best response that the creators can mount is that they continue to CREATE!! Hell, it is vital that you do not stop! Can be just a little, doesn't have to be a lot, just don't stop!  I realized that I have been guilty of stopping my creative outlets, ceasing to listen to the whispers of my creative soul; preferring to listen to the grating shouts of the business world. How could that be so?  How could I, an online blogger, content creator and one who espouses the location independent lifestyle no less, fall so in love with the cold, grey and fac